Membership Form

I-CAR Regular Membership Request Form

Member dues must be received, or post marked no later than December 31 of the prior year to be eligible to vote in the following membership term. No such member status will be effective until member dues are received.

Note: If you are a Gold Class repair facility, Platinum technician, CTE school with an active license subscription, current Sustaining Partner, or active I-CAR Committee Chair, you are automatically granted I-CAR Associate Member status, and do not need to submit an application.

If you are not an Associate Member as described above, please submit this Membership application by choosing one of the types of membership from the dropdown menu, completing the required information, and clicking on the submit button.

Independent Member – If you are an independent (single location) collision repair business with annual sales less than $3 million, career technical school (without an active licensing subscription), individual unemployed or retired individual, employee in a business with annual sales less than or equal to $3 million or employed by a business already with Regular Member status.
Annual Dues: $500.00

Organizational Member – If you are a multi-shop operator with two or more locations, insurer, vehicle manufacturer, tool/equipment/miscellaneous supplier, and related industry organization or association.
Annual Dues: $1,000.00

If Collision Repair, is there more than 1 location?
(primary if more than 1 location)
Who should renewal invoices be sent to? (if different from above)