Auto Physical Damage Appraiser (APDA) Resources

Excel to Expert Status

For continuing education to advance your career as an insurance appraiser or adjuster, you can count on I‑CAR to provide you with information and resources that guide you to success.

Education and Technical Information

Comprehensive curriculum and insights to advance your career goals and keep up with technology that impacts the assessment for a safe repair.

Continued Learning

Industry-recognized education to keep up with collision repair standards.

Browse Catalog

Platinum Recognition

Join the top peers in your field who earned this industry-renowned designation.

Become Platinum

Repairability Technical Support (RTS)

Stay current on the latest repair methods, information, and procedures.

Visit RTS

Talent Attraction

Dedicated to informing and inspiring the next generation.

View Collision Careers

Emerging Technologies

Keep up with advanced technology with courses and solutions for ADAS, EV and vehicle-specific repair information.

I‑CAR Academy

A new program for shops and schools, I‑CAR Academy empowers collision repair professionals through comprehensive education to attract, train, and retain talent in our industry.

Explore I-CAR Academy

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Training Opportunities

It’s easier than ever to get the training that’s right for your career and business.

Network Programs

Discover the training required for shops to participate in various Insurance and OEM networks.

insurance adjusters inspecting collision

Industry Training Alliance

Get I‑CAR credit for approved training you’ve already completed.

tech painting car

Get Started with I‑CAR

Don’t wait! Contact us today to unlock the power of training to accelerate your career.

Contact I‑CAR

female executive on tablet