I-CAR Volunteers


Be Part of the Solution

I-CAR volunteers have always been the roll-up-your-sleeve types who are willing to get down to serious work. I-CAR views its volunteers as a precious resource, and rather than assign them to an auxiliary role, it has relied on volunteer power to accomplish a variety of activities essential to daily operations. Working through local I-CAR committees, volunteers truly make a difference; and we have stats to back that up! Progress achieved on clearly-defined committee goals, linked to this page, are regularly measured.

Fortifying I-CAR’s front lines, volunteers support I-CAR’s sweeping vision that every collision repair worker has the knowledge, training and skills to make complete, safe and quality repairs. In addition to promoting industry training, volunteers have a long-standing dedication to helping schools that teach collision repair. Fundraisers, Adopt-A-School programs, and other forms of support provided by local I-CAR committees is especially meaningful with the current technician shortage.

If you’d like to be part of the solution to address industry priorities like the talent shortage and training to keep up with rapidly-evolving technologies, and, at the same time, network with peers for your personal and professional growth, contact volunteer@i-car.com to get more information.