About I‑CAR
I‑CAR, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, was founded in 1979 as a neutral partner with strong support from the entire industry. The unibody vehicle structure unified the industry to create I‑CAR to ensure training was available to perform complete, safe and quality repairs. Since then, I‑CAR has continued to lead the industry with world-class training and resources on emerging technologies, materials and repair methods.
Driven by Our Vision and Mission
I‑CAR Vision
That every person in the collision repair industry has the information, knowledge and skills required to perform complete, safe and quality repairs for the ultimate benefit of the consumer.
I‑CAR Mission
To deliver increasingly accessible, on-demand and relevant education, knowledge, services and solutions for collision repair facilities and the related industry value chain.
Educational Programming
With over 300 courses available, I‑CAR has the industry’s largest education portfolio of training that fulfill credentialing requirements that is all driven by the industry through the Automotive Collision Repair Industry Knowledge and Skills Protocol.
Baseline industry standard for knowledge and skills. Created by the industry, managed by I‑CAR.
Baseline industry credentialing for individuals (Platinum) and businesses (Gold Class).
I‑CAR Courses
Discover the 360+ courses available to support career paths and interests.
Technical Information and Services
I‑CAR’s subject matter experts are here to support you with the technical information and real-time technical support you need to repair today’s complex vehicles. I‑CAR hosts repair summits to help solve industry problems and provides training collaboration and consulting services with OEMs and Suppliers. We are always researching and innovating to provide new solutions to the industry.
Talent Programming
I‑CAR is dedicated and investing in finding and developing the next generation of technicians. Through our efforts and collaborating with organizations like the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF), we are ensuring the industry has an educated and strong workforce for today and the future.
I‑CAR Academy
Lesson plans geared toward what an entry-level technician really needs to know.
Collaboration Centric
We drive industry-wide synchronization in support of cost-effective solutions that help the industry repair cars right for the ultimate benefit of the consumer.
I‑CAR International
I‑CAR offers training in multiple countries and credentialing partnerships through licensed delivery.
IACET Accreditation
I‑CAR is the first organization in the industry to achieve accreditation with the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). I‑CAR’s IACET accreditation demonstrates our commitment and dedication to continuous improvement to serve the industry through collaborative solutions grounded in quality, excellence, and transparency. As an IACET Accredited Provider, I‑CAR offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard
I‑CAR Governance
Our Governance Model ensures we stay ahead of the curve in our vision and mission-based work: to equip every person in the collision repair industry with the technical knowledge, skills, information and solutions necessary to perform complete, safe and quality repairs for the ultimate benefit of the consumer.